Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have shaved my armpits n pubic hair several times n its has grown thick.plz help!?

i tried waxing..... but left it half donecoz it was quite painful..... the are there iz become dark too.(will it effect my sex life)

... how do i make da hair grow lighter .... ??

I have shaved my armpits n pubic hair several times n its has grown thick.plz help!?

just keep shaving it!!! i do it every day, that way u don`t have to worry about stubble!!!

I have shaved my armpits n pubic hair several times n its has grown thick.plz help!?

It only feels darker and thicker because the hair is shorter.

You can go to any drug store and buy an angle headed razor, for about $10.00. It is easier for touch ups and remember to use shaving gel first, and lotion when you're finished.

I have shaved my armpits n pubic hair several times n its has grown thick.plz help!?

unfortunetly we woman are stuck with the black hair, for down below use an electric trim razor to keep control of the growth never wax

I have shaved my armpits n pubic hair several times n its has grown thick.plz help!?

you can bleach it or shave it often.

I have shaved my armpits n pubic hair several times n its has grown thick.plz help!?

Dont wax it ever- i tried it!! Waxing is some cruel torture that women have done unto themselves... shaving is fine, yeah the hair follicles will become more blunt and all, but you gotta keep shaving them, especially armpit hair. Pubic hair, you do it once in a while. You could bleach your pubic hair if u feel its gettin darker... stubble will be thick, but thats cos ur probably not putting shaving gel b4 shavin and softening lotion afterwards. Try it. It will certainly help. And i dont think it will affect ur sex life in any way, because it is not internal and your partner may like it, who knows...:)

I have shaved my armpits n pubic hair several times n its has grown thick.plz help!?

DO NOT SHAVE EVER!!! WAX YOUR HAIR - it hurts the first few times - but go to someone with a light hand TELL THEM IT IS YOUR FIRST TIME and tell them to take it easy. Note: if they wax and put their hand on the spot they waxed for just 2 seconds its much better. DO NOT shave - throw your razor away NOW! You should DEFINATELY go to an expensive place the first time because they will do a VERY good job and take care of you (and that is what you deserve).

Advantages of waxing versus shaving: Hair stops growing after a few years; hair regrowth is alot lighter; dont have to shave everyday; lasts 4-6 weeks; better sex life; is painful a little (but beats getting bumps, stubble, and scars for the rest of your life). TRUST ME - a little pain goes a long way. Remember, women are stronger than men (not physically) but in every other way - theres a reason for that. We have to get waxed - hehe!! Good luck and stay sexy!

I used to be damn sexy and I shaved my stomach (below navel area) and hair down there - now it is gross - and since then I have never shaved there again. its getting better - but i am so upset i did it - will never forgive myself. It is the worst invention for women and should be discouraged worldwide! Only men should use razors or should be used rarely by women on the go with no time whatsoever!

When you feel sexy, you look sexy!

I have shaved my armpits n pubic hair several times n its has grown thick.plz help!?

Best is you get a laser done .IT IS DONE UNDER TOPICAL ANESTHETIC CREAM SO ALMOST PAIN require 6-8 sittings and the problem is solved for ever.waxing can cause frequent folliculitis(hair follicle infection) and deep pigmentation.

for further quries write to

I have shaved my armpits n pubic hair several times n its has grown thick.plz help!?

I dont think waxing is the right solution, Try creams to remove them and bleach to discolur them, but by just disclourng the hairs would still remain the same.

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